

2017年9月21日に第27回日本神経回路学会 全国大会(会場:北九州国際会議場)にて本領域支援によるシンポジウムが開催されました

2017年9月21日(木)に第27回日本神経回路学会全国大会(期間:9月20日〜22日、会場:北九州国際会議場)において本領域の支援によるシンポジウムが開催されました。今大会は本領域計画研究代表の九州工業大学大学院 柴田智広教授がオーガナイザーを務め、領域から大隅代表、多賀先生、および郷先生がシンポジストとして講演を行いました。本大会では、本領域の他、『人工知能と脳科学の対照と融合』および『スパースモデリングの深化と高次元データ駆動科学の創成』もシンポジウムを開催しており、日本神経回路学会員、基調講演者の東京大学教授合原一幸先生の他、これら他領域のシンポジウム講師とも有益な情報交換を行うことができました。講演者及び講演要旨は下記の通りです。



講演者:Noriko Osumi (Tohoku University School of Medicine)

演題:Towards Elucidation of Generative Brain Systems for Individuality


How does individuality emerge? Individual genomic differences (personal characteristics) form the basis, but the manifestation of individuality varies according to upbringing, lifestyle and other environmental factors. This is because of the epigenetics, a mechanism that changes the way of how genes work in response to various factors in environment. We see individuality in mental functions, such as cognitive faculties and personality, depending on the function of the cerebral nervous system, but we lack a clear understanding of the neural basis or the genetic/environmental factors involved. In recent years, however, we have gained access to “big data,” including human brain imaging data, data from observation of animal behavior, and neural activity data, facilitating variety of multivariate analyses. We now have an excellent opportunity to undertake research on individuality. In this innovative/interdisciplinary project, we aim to understand the emergence of individuality by elucidating diversity in brain development and evolution. Keywords : Individuality, Brain, Genome, Epigenome, Neural activity, Development, Evolution

講演者:Gentaro Taga (The University of Tokyo), Hama Watanabe (The University of Tokyo), Fumitaka Homae (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

演題:General principle and individual difference in dynamics of early development of human brain and behavior


While the macroscopic pattern of the human brain structure is mostly established during the embryonic and fetal period, the hemodynamics and metabolism in relation to energy supply and the functional network for information processing are postnatally established during daily life activity such as sleeping, eating and moving. We will review recent progresses on neuroimaging and behavioral studies in the developmental period and provide a perspective for constructive modeling of the human brain to understand a general principle for the development. In particular, we focus on the pattern formation and gyrification of the cortex, formation of the white matter connectivity, integration of neural and metabolic activity and blood flow in the neuro-glia-vascular system, and generation of functional connectivity of the brain. Furthermore, we discuss how individual differences emerge in the course of development by examining personal identification using only time series for brain or body activity. Keywords:development, connectivity, metabolism, oxygenation, blood flow, fetus, infant, white matter, gyrification, individual difference

講演者:Yasuhiro Go (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)

演題:Spatiotemporal brain transcriptome architecture and application for disease model in marmosets


Spatiotemporal transcriptome gene regulations are essential for the construction of brain structure and proper function. Comprehensive analyses of the dynamics and the architecture of transcriptome in the both wild and diseased animal models also lead to understanding the molecular causality of the human neuropsychiatric disease. Here we examine the spatiotemporal transcriptome dynamics using the common marmoset brain to identify the spatiotemporal-specific modulating genes. Currently our team has been doing the following studies, (i) the postnatal developing marmoset brain transcriptome (five postnatal stages) at macro-scale resolution (seven cortex regions of both cerebral hemispheres, thalamus, midbrain, cerebellum), (ii) the adult marmoset brain transcriptome at micro-scale resolution (a single layer of cells from five cortical regions, a single nucleus from three subcortical regions), and (iii) the wild and the autism model marmoset brain transcriptome in prefrontal regions. Through this study, we aim to identify the molecular dynamics and trajectories between proper and atypical brain gene expressional networks. Keywords:遺伝子発現, 霊長類, 疾患モデル, マーモセット, 精神神経疾患, 次世代シーケンサー